Thursday, February 22, 2007


life is something that a lot of people take time to dwell but im realizing that im growing into a better person with each dwelling experience.Its not about how bad it gets; lifes about things it makes you realize.A lot of people dont understand how much i actually think the most random things over.I believe that everything happens for a reason no matter how bad or whatever a time is it will get better if you take the time to understand what went wrong and make sure that it doesnt happen again...i donno im just bored remembering i had this blogspot and thought it was time to write a little something

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

Brett M. Gibbs

I do love you. And I don't think that I could of broke your heart anymore than you broke mine. Its not that I dont want to have plans later on between us Its just that me and the other Brett are fine right now and I .... I dont feel right being with someone and having plans with someone else later on. Brett- As much as I wanted us to be forever and for always you hurt me. I never want to have to go threw any of that ever again and I never want to wonder why if you love me that there was at least a month of us not talking at all. You may have put 100% in our relationship but I felt I was always putting 50 % more. -- no-1 will ever take you away from me or what we have but i will say im done guessing whats on your mind, who you like, and all that-- you know your the only one i know 4 sure that i can say that i love and mean it. -- its hard cause i keep comparing every guy to you and no1 is like you. no1. but with us being apart i think that the only thing i can do is- what you said- date other guys and see if whatever happens happens.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

its beginning to look a lot like christmas

okay so i lied it doesn't literally look like christmas but it feels like it and as much as it sucks for the year to soon be over its awesome this time of year when the world/ (WELL MY FAMILY) can just love lifes simplest things like when we drive around on christmas eve just to look at all the lights and when we leave cookies out for santa (llol) and how its one day out of the year everyone just wakes up in a good mood- this blog seems worthless and granted it is some-what but i am truley a fan of the holiday coming before us.
=so hapie holidays to my only "friend" on he"R" HAPiE